Think of your favorite shampoo. Can you picture what the bottle looks like? What colors the brand uses? Could you describe the shampoo brand’s logo? Most likely, you can.
The packaging is important in all things, whether it be food, medicine, or even a toy. The packaging enables consumers to quickly recognize and find the product they want from the specific brand they prefer. But, more than that, the packaging a company uses helps protect the product and keep it in good condition. It can even speak to the values of its customer base.
For products that are delicate or sensitive to the elements, such as cannabis concentrate, the right packaging and storage is an important decision for makers to make.
What Is Cannabis Concentrate?
Cannabis concentrate is one of the seemingly endless marijuana options on the market. Marijuana edibles, hash, and even vapes are all available to help users consume marijuana recreationally.
So, what exactly is it? Cannabis concentrate is made from the cannabis plant, but it has been processed to remove excess plant material as well as other impurities while still keeping the most desirable plant compounds in place.
Cannabis concentrates are available in many different forms, including:
- Shatter
- Crumble
- Resin
- Wax
- Oil
- Hash
The various forms allow users to enjoy cannabis concentrates in different ways. For example, a drop of cannabis concentrate oil can be placed into a pipe with the bud. Crumble can be sprinkled on top of a flower, adding potency and even flavor to it.
In fact, one of the most popular reasons people decide to use cannabis concentrates is their increased potency and fast effects. Cannabis concentrates offer a rapid onset time with almost instant effects. The reason for this is its high concentration of THC, which is the main compound in cannabis that gives users a high sensation.
Cannabis concentrates have a THC content that averages about 80 percent, while the standard THC content in a flower is between 10 and 25 percent. This powerful concentrate offers a quick way for users to get the high feeling and effects they crave.
Because cannabis concentrate has such a high THC content, it is critical that users be cautious about dosing. Make sure to adjust the amount you take accordingly, so you do not overdo it.
Remember to always start slow and gradually build up to the effect you want.

How Concentrate Is Stored Matters
Whether you are making your own cannabis concentrate or purchasing some and want to make sure it is stored correctly. The container used to house the concentrate is important.
Proper packaging of cannabis concentrate will help keep it in good condition. On top of that, proper cannabis concentrate packaging:
- Preserves the concentrate’s potency
- Preserves the flavor
- Protects the concentrate from outside elements
When cannabis concentrate is stored incorrectly, your concentrate can:
- Grow mold and mildew
- Lose its potency
- Become contaminated with pet hair, dust, and other allergens in the air
Although different types of cannabis concentrates prefer to be placed in various types of containers, the great thing about them is that they all can be stored in the same place. Cannabis concentrates need to stay in cool, dark, dry places. This could be something as simple as a drawer, a dry basement, or even in a kitchen pantry.
Choosing the Right Container for Your Cannabis Concentrate
While storing cannabis concentrate in the correct place is important, there is another factor that is just as important: choosing the right container.
There are many types of containers available to store your cannabis concentrate. Determining the right one depends on many different factors, including the type of concentrate you’ll store.
Before choosing a storage container, consider:
- How long the cannabis concentrate will need to be stored in it. Certain types of containers are better for long-term storage, while others may be more cost-effective but should only be used to house concentrate for a short amount of time.
- What childproof features the container will need to have. Keeping cannabis and cannabis concentrate out of the hands of minors is important. Take a look at the different options available to open each container to make sure they are childproof.
- What type of cannabis concentrate will be kept in the container. For example, shatter cannabis concentrate would not do well in a glass container as it would stick to the sides. But, a glass container would be a good option for a budder cannabis concentrate.
- How the concentrate is getting to the consumer. Will the cannabis concentrate be shipped to the customer? If so, a durable container that will not break easily is a good option. Or will the concentrate just sit on the shelf?
- How much concentrate is being stored in each container. This will not only help determine the size the container needs to be but also how quickly it will be used. Large amounts of concentrate will take longer to use up, meaning they will need to be stored longer, while smaller amounts can be used much faster.
- The space that is available for a label. The label on cannabis concentrate needs to have certain information, including the brand name, what it is, product information, and more. Make sure the cannabis concentrate packaging selected has enough room for a label that contains all of the required information.
- How the container and packaging will be disposed of after use. Some containers are biodegradable, making them environmentally friendly. Others can be recycled, while others still are more difficult to safely dispose of after use. Take what your customers value (such as recycling versus environmentally friendly packaging) into consideration when selecting your package type.
By taking the time to think through all the information above, you can feel confident in the cannabis concentrate container you choose. This, after all, will be responsible for keeping the concentrate in good condition.

Jars Are a Popular Option
One of the most popular cannabis concentrate storage options is jars. There are multiple options available on the market, with each offering its own pros and cons.
Some of the types of jars available to store concentrate include:
- Silicone jars. This option is best if the concentrate is only going to be stored for a short amount of time (under one week). Be sure to use a medical-grade silicone container to protect the cannabis concentrate from becoming contaminated. However, silicone jars are not airtight, so they will not preserve freshness long-term.
- Plastic jars. For concentrates that are runny or liquid, plastic is a good, short-term storage option. Oils will easily run off of plastic, allowing users to get the product out.
- Glass jars. Glass jars are a popular option for storing cannabis concentrates for a medium amount of time. However, it is important to get the correct size. A jar that is too large has a lot of air space, which can affect your concentrate’s potency over time.
Once you’ve chosen the right jar or another container, it is time to think about the lid. Does it need to be airtight and vacuum-sealed? Is a pop-off lid the preferred option, or would a screw-top work?
Keep in mind that although jars are a popular way of storing cannabis concentrates, there are other options available, such as parchment paper (a popular option for storing wax).
Freezing Cannabis Concentrate
The options listed above are typically done for things needing short-term or medium-term storage. For long-term storage of cannabis concentrates, freezing is the solution. Although it is not without risks if not stored correctly.
The biggest risk of freezing cannabis concentrate is the potential for exposure to humidity. That’s why it is so important to freeze the concentrate properly. To freeze it, you will need:
- Airtight, glass containers that are freezer-safe
- Parchment paper
- Resealable ziplock bags
- A vacuum sealer
Wrap the concentrates in the parchment paper before putting them into the ziplock bags. Vacuum seal the bag to ensure there is no moisture or humidity in there. Then, put the bag into the airtight container, again vacuum sealing it if needed to ensure no extra air is in the jar.
Then, place the entire thing in the freezer. It is a good idea to label the container with both the date and the name of the cannabis concentrate, especially if you are freezing a few different strains.
If it is time to defrost frozen cannabis concentrate, be sure to let it warm up to room temperature first. Once the concentrate has reached room temperature, it is safe to cut the seal and open the container to remove and use the cannabis concentrate. Opening the container before the concentrate has had time to warm up can ruin the concentrate, leaving you with an ineffective product.

Going Beyond the Container
Once you’ve chosen the right container to store the cannabis concentrate, it is time to take the next step: creating a package that appeals to customers.
This involves putting your own label on the product, making it easy for consumers to recognize the cannabis concentrates of a specific company or brand as well as the type of concentrate inside it.
But, just as important as the company information is the inclusion of the product information users need to know as well. Make sure there is enough room for all this information on the label and that the container has enough room for the size of the label that is needed.
What to Include on the Label
Every country around the world has guidelines in place that state the information that must be included in a product label. This includes regulations on what to have on labels for cannabis concentrates.
Cannabis concentrate labels in Canada must:
- Be in either English or French
- Contain the standardized cannabis symbol
- Inform users that the cannabis concentrate product contains THC
- Contain required health warnings
- State the THC content the concentrate contains
- Display the brand name
While this is required information to have on the label, it is not all-encompassing. Other information may be needed, and specific sizing and color regulations must also be followed when it comes to fonts, coolers, and more.

Uses for Extra or Unused Cannabis Concentrate Jars
Whether you have extra jars ordered or have used the product contained inside a jar you purchased, you now have an empty jar on your hands. Although each jar can be disposed of properly, there are other things people can do with them.
But, before using the jars for their new purpose, make sure they are clean. Take the time to wash them thoroughly in warm and soapy water. In addition to cleaning the concentrate remnants out of the jar, it also helps to remove the label easily.
Once the concentrate jar is clean, it can be repurposed and used to:
- Store office supplies, such as paperclips or bulletin board pins
- Start succulents, offering them a comfortable place to start to grow
- Organize and sort tea or dried herbs in the pantry or kitchen
- Store hair pins and hair ties when they aren’t in use
If, instead of reusing the storage containers, you plan to dispose of them, be sure to research the proper way to do so. The store that the containers were purchased from should provide information on how to dispose of extra or unused concentrate containers properly.
In Conclusion
So, what is the best cannabis concentrate packaging? It depends on what type of concentrate is being stored and for how long. Choosing between glass, silicon, plastic, or even parchment paper as the ideal concentrate container is really just the first step in choosing the best packaging.
Improper storage can cause damage to the cannabis concentrate, degrading it and causing it to lose potency and flavor.
Be sure to research the cannabis concentrate container options thoroughly to find the one that best meets your needs. The right cannabis container can do a lot to help maintain the product’s potency and freshness, leading to more satisfied customers.